Michael Oeschlmueller
Interim Manager for Asia
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Michael Oeschlmueller

Interim Manager for Asia

For many years I have worked successfully as an interim executive in Asia for investment and private equity enterprises as well as company owners. Flexibility and quick availability, implementation skills set me apart - in development phases, in turnarounds and in times of crisis. As an interim executive in Asia, especially in China, Hong Kong, Japan, and Malaysia, I have been extremely successful in solving my clients' challenges. Based on my experience, I deliver security in implementation - an essential component of success in my projects.

Competitive advantage through competence!

Michael Oeschlmueller

As an Interim Manager, I Think and Act as an Entrepreneur.

Since 1988, I have been successful as CEO and interim manager across three continents (Asia, Europe, North America). These experiences form the basis of my competent work as an interim manager in various situations and countries. With flexibility, specialist knowledge, empathy, creativity and foresight, I lead the given tasks to a successful conclusion.

From Crisis to Profit.

Structural and financial problems, changed market conditions, upheavals and external crisis, usually lead to an internal crisis. In times of crisis, the path previously taken must be changed. This turnaround is often blocked by internal insistence ("We have always done it this way."), hindering a positive future. To get “like a phoenix from the ashes” requires quick and considered action. The prioritization of tasks according to the specific situation will include, communication with banks, suppliers, customers and employees which must to be conducted openly and professionally. With experience, perseverance, cultural understanding and recognition of solutions, I lead companies out of the crisis into a prosperous future within a short period of time.

Bridging Vacancies and Preventing Downtime.

Vacancies at management and board level occur again and again. In such a situation, continuity and stability is required. A long-term appointment for such a management position takes time. This is exactly where I step in. Based on the experience in various management positions and interim management mandates, I secure the smooth continuation of the company after a short analysis phase, and ease the transition to the new management. This can prevent uncertainly and instability and prevent any downtime. This means that sourcing a successor can be well prepared and carried out professionally.

Short-Term Purchase of Specialist and Management Skills.

Often there is a short-term lack of specialist and management skills. In such cases I step in at short notice. Based on my professional competence and experience in corporate management, I learn the culture and business within a short time period of time. I am also able to align my actions precisely with the tasks and goals of my clients, the investment and private equity companies as well as the owners.